Friday, May 24, 2013


As Promised here is gobs of photos of my good friend's EPIC MINECRAFT!!
As a note; this is done in single player, which to my knowledge one cannot go into creative mode. 

Our story begins atop the...

 Apparently made from stone bricks.. This thing must have taken forever for one lone Minecrafter to craft.
 For those of you who happen not to play, the way you make this kind of block is to first mine cobblestone, bake it, and then use four of the blocks you get from that together.

 The stone on this lower wall here is cobblestone.

 That castle is mad!!

I've been told this is an "in progress" Hanging Garden.

 Cool huh.

 I don't know what this coolness is, but the orange streams in the background are LAVA!


A sheepins!

I dub this, Gloom Mountain!

What's in there?
 Oh shrooms of course!

Don't fall!



Got nothin for this one.

Chest Room!

I expect this is an observatory. :) Neat.

This seems to be made of frickin obsidian!! You have to mine obsidian with diamond pickaxes. Diamonds are not easy to find!

 Yeah, that's a pyramid.


Guess what? More pyramids!
 Golden doom tomb.
 Box full of underworld goodies.

This wall makes my wall cry.

 Mossy cobblestone (a.k.a Moss Stone) like this has to be carted from strongholds underground, which are also not incredibly easy to find.

Well chicken.

Very Protected Town.
 Founded around 2012-2013 by the good Mayor Warlock...
 Mayor Warlock is also an amazing mason who hand built the lovely wall.
 And I expect he also made the tower you see in the background.

 It's been said that Very Protected Town is a major producer of many types of agriculture including wheat, sugar, pumpkins, carrots and potatoes!

 So lovely.

Here we are in a dark and scary mine!
 . . . Do you see what I see? Duuu Dun!

And then the creeper esploded and we all died at the end of our tour.
Hope you enjoyed!
See ya next week!